Sunday, September 11, 2011


The university is provide a not conducive Internet connection. The connection is very slow, unsecured from computer viruses and limited features and website to browse. Transactions are blocked prohibiting students view video files and listening musics because of the high memory space it consumed. I understand that the government cutting-off the budget of the university, but we are students who have a very wild mind and full of ideas that someway fruitful for self-improvement for maturity. We need a wide concern area to explore in order for us to discover things that can be learned by our own actual practice and involvement. We have to spread our wings but how can do this if many things are prohibited, how can we learn independently, if the university limit the students ground for exploration on cyberspace.

1. Traffic in Internet Connection Management

Traffic in Internet connectivity is one of the problems the university. The network equipment at the hosting company will cycle through each person downloading the file and transfer a small portion at a time so each person's file transfer can take place, but the transfer for everyone downloading the file will be slower. If 100 people all came to the site and downloaded at the same time, the transfers would be extremely slow. If the host wanted to decrease the time it took to download files simultaneously, it could increase the bandwidth of their Internet connection (at a cost due to upgrading equipment).
The greater the bandwidth, the greater it cost. I know that enhancing bandwidth is not be easy be implemented it because it is very costly and the university cannot afford to finance it. But if we are looking for better and fast Internet connection we have to sacrifice if you are so willing to do. If it really cannot suffice to purchase high bandwidth for then do bandwidth management. Bandwidth management is the process of measuring and controlling the communications (traffic, packets) on a network link, to avoid filling the link to capacity or overfilling the link, which would result in network congestion and poor performance.
In addition,

Identity-based Bandwidth Management:

Bandwidth Management, establish priorities based on users, web category, groups and applications with precise bandwidth allocation based on usage and time of the day. The Internet content filtering module complements bandwidth management by blocking access to high bandwidth-consuming audio-video download, gaming, tickers, ads and more. This ensures that business and bandwidth-critical applications like CRM, VoIP and more gain guaranteed bandwidth. Enterprises can fine-tune their bandwidth policies based on changing user requirements as well as their usage for continually improved network performance.
Bandwidth Prioritization enables bandwidth policies to be created to enable bandwidth allocation to high-priority business traffic, enabling enterprises to deliver uninterrupted access to business critical applications and users. At the same time, they retain bandwidth control over recreational traffic and heavy bandwidth guzzling media applications. Committed and Burstable Bandwidth Enterprises can create bandwidth policies to allocate guaranteed bandwidth to users, assigning minimum and maximum bandwidth to users. Committed bandwidth ensures that critical users receive constant levels of bandwidth during peak and non-peak traffic periods. Burstable bandwidth allocation allows users to receive greater bandwidth when available, ensuring optimal usage of the resource.
Time-based Bandwidth Allocation Bandwidth Management, enterprises can schedule and regulate bandwidth as per user requirements. High bandwidth can be provided to a user during a particular time of the day when uninterrupted access is required. By doing this, enterprises can lower the peaks in bandwidth usage across the day. This limits the need for bandwidth purchase based on excessively high peaks, controlling operating expenses.


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